If you do not challenge us, you cannot change us.

We provide high-quality development service because our expertise is supported by our university backgrounds and our long professional experience in developing various embedded software. Challenges drive us forward, so fill free to challenge us to fulfill your request

Our services

We provide high-quality development service because our expertise is supported by our university background and our long professional experience in developing various embedded software.

Software product development

Application development, according to the clients’ requirements, including the following documentation. Open-source and Linux based solutions.

Automotive (ADAS) software development

Developing AUTOSAR basic software (drivers, complex device drivers) and software components according to ASIL levels and ISO 26262. Developing software on Microsar, VxWorks 7, Linux operating system. All requirements for Level 3 and Level 4 approval fulfilled.

Embedded software development

Collecting requirements, writing architecture and software development for any kind of embedded project (medical devices, consumer electronics…)

Software unit/integration testing

Complete testing of every unit, and in addition to that, we can also provide testing of the complete integrated product.

Dedicated development team

We are proud that we can provide a fully dedicated team to our clients. This team is assigned and available to only one client until the end of the project.

Maintenance and support services

The end of the project does not have to be the end of our relationship, because we provide maintenance of our software and we are open for eventual upgrades to it.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to respond as soon as possible.


Šafarikova 6., 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Tel: +381642070391


Do you want to work with us? Submit your resume bellow

Šafarikova 6., 21000 Novi Sad
Tel: +381642070391